教育 & 领导力项目成果

Program Specific Competency Goals

With successful completion of the PG电子APP Doctor of 教育 in 健康care 教育 and 领导 (Ed.D.) program, students will be prepared to:

  • Create educational and leadership strategies to meet the needs of diverse constituents.  (多样性)* *
  • Engage in interdisciplinary communication, analysis and problem solving that reflects applied research best practice. (通信)* *
  • Implement assessment and evaluation strategies using information 技术 to improve learning, productivity and professional practice. (技术)* *
  • Synthesize knowledge of educational and leadership theory, 管理技能, leadership strategies and data to transform organizations and educational institutions. (批判性思维)* *
  • 整合道德, legal and professional principles into decision making in the organizational and educational leadership setting. (专业行为)* *

**Categories denoted in the parentheses represent relationship to the PG电子APP student success skills, which are the institutional student learning outcomes and include communication, 技术, 批判性思维, diversity and professionalism. 


 EdD in 健康care 教育 and 领导 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023
Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. There are no Board exams for the Doctor of 教育 (EdD) in 健康care 教育 and 领导. N/A N/A N/A
毕业率* 56%
Job Placement/Employment Rate** 100%

* Graduation rates for this program are measured at GR 150. This refers to the percentage of a school’s eligible students who complete their degree/certificate program within 150% of the published time for the certificate/degree program.

** Employment rates are taken from returned graduate surveys, 校友的调查, 雇主的调查, and individual graduate’s reports to the program.


 EdD in Interprofessional 领导 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023
Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. There are no Board exams for the Doctor of 教育 (EdD) in Interprofessional 领导. N/A N/A N/A
毕业率* N/A N/A N/A
Job Placement/Employment Rate** N/A N/A N/A

* Graduation rates for this program are measured at GR 150. This refers to the percentage of a school’s eligible students who complete their degree/certificate program within 100% of the published time for the certificate/degree program (on-time).

** Employment rates are taken from returned graduate surveys, 校友的调查, 雇主的调查, and individual graduate’s reports to the program.

This option was new in Fall 2023.