学生支援小组 & 行为干预小组



  1. 支持和教育学生, PG电子APP危害预防和健康主题的教职员工.
  2. Inform the College community of the resources of the College and community to students in need.
  3. Provides education and prevention activities for the College in the areas of sexual violence, 毒品和酒精教育, 心理健康.
  4. 参加学院的其他活动, including involvement in New Student Experience and policy writing (such as 第九条, 毒品和酒精).
  5. Monitor student issues reported to the team as a proactive approach that balances the needs of the student who may be/is in crisis and the overall safety of the campus community.


When necessary, members of the BIT will meet to discuss a student issue or concern. 双边投资协定的目的可能包括:

  • 咨询项目总监, 教师, 或PG电子APP社区的其他成员就任何学生问题.
  • 收集有关学生问题的相关信息.
  • Evaluate information and serve as a liaison to obtain community resources to address student issues.
  • 确定学生问题和/或关注的后续处理方案.
  • 确保与学生一起制定计划.
  • 负责向相关方反馈信息.

* BIT流程不会取代教师的课堂管理, 纪律程序, 和/或对事件的公共安全反应.

If you have additional information for a student whom you previously referred, 请提供更新



As a member of the PG电子APP community, the welfare of students is everyone’s responsibility. Reporting concerns early allows for the protection of the student and serves as a safeguard the community. You are strongly urged to do your part by reporting any type of behavior that could be perceived as concerning or threatening to one or more members of the PG电子APP community. The SST’s and BIT’s effectiveness depends on your commitment to the community.



While the following behaviors are presented to serve as a guide to help you discern whether or not to complete a 学生转介表格 你被鼓励相信你的直觉. If your intuition is telling you something is wrong, don’t dismiss it - report it. 你不需要等待确凿的证据. 如果你和这个人有关系, 和他/她联系,让你更好地了解情况. Below are examples of some issues you might observe or actually talk about with students that could warrant a 学生转介表格:


  • 能量水平的巨大变化
  • 语速的急剧提高
  • 卫生或个人仪表方面令人担忧的变化
  • 体重显著变化
  • 明显的割伤、擦伤或烧伤
  • 有自伤行为
  • 频繁的酒精中毒状态
  • 在课堂上或其他不合适的时间睡着
  • 古怪的行为


  • 不恰当的情绪爆发
  • 易怒(容易生气或生气)
  • 增加消极或自嘲的谈话
  • 表达绝望、恐惧、无用、自杀或死亡
  • 表达痛苦、家庭问题和其他个人困难
  • Exaggerated personality traits; for example, more withdrawn or more animated than usual
  • 思维紊乱
  • 高度警惕的或容易受惊的
  • 自杀意念
  • 表达对他人的威胁


  • 工作质量/数量的下降
  • 错过作业或考试
  • 重复的缺席
  • 混乱的或不稳定的行为
  • 课堂热情下降
  • 发送频繁、冗长、“咆哮”或威胁类型的电子邮件
  • 不断寻求最后期限的例外情况

这些例子中的任何一个都有可能, 本身, 可能仅仅意味着一个人有一个“休息”的一天. 但是,如果您仍然担心或不确定,请填写一份 学生转介表格. Any one serious example or a cluster of small examples necessitates an intervention.

NOTE:  In cases where a student’s behavior poses an imminent threat to you or another, 立即拨打911.



最好的帮助方式就是做点什么. If you are not comfortable approaching the person you are concerned about, complete the 学生转介表格. 如果你愿意接近这个人, 请考虑以下开场白:

  • “我很担心你,注意到你一直没____________.  你感觉怎么样??“遇险的人需要理解和照顾.  带着尊重倾听. 
  • “现在什么对你有帮助?” 
  • “谁能帮助你??  谁通常帮助你??”
  • “我能帮什么忙??“然而, try not to be the sole lifeline for the individual; get assistance and/or seek out resources even if it means breaking a confidence.
  • “你想伤害自己吗??”
  • “你想过自杀吗??  你会怎么做呢?“询问自杀并不能让人们想到自杀.
  • “你觉得和咨询师谈谈怎么样??  我们现在就打电话吧.”


  • 不要承诺对对方的自杀/自残想法保密.
  • 不要离开那个人.
  • 不建议药物和/或酒精作为解决方案.



教师 or staff should immediately inform his/her Director or Vice President, 如果主任不在的话, 任何有关的情况. 完成一个 学生转介表格 并提供情况总结和其他相关信息. 在这份总结报告中, 请提供以下观察:1)他人对这种情况的反应, 2)任何威胁或警告, 和/或3)任何令人不安的书面和/或口头陈述.



的提交按钮 学生转介表格, 报告将自动通过电子邮件发送给学术成功主任, 谁来审核表格. The information is shared with the Coordinator of the Success Center who then reaches out to the student. The Coordinator of the Success Center shares resources and information specific to the issues shared in the referral form. Information is then updated regarding the student’s actions or inactions and the Coordinator shares the updated information with the person who submitted the form.

During the 学生支援小组 meetings student issues will also be discussed. 如有需要,学生的问题和关注将由SST分类处理. For issues warranting more intervention, the 行为干预小组 will convene.

BIT委员会议定书: If necessary, the members of the BIT will meet to discuss a student issue or concern. 该过程可能包括以下内容:

  • 咨询项目总监, 教师, 或PG电子APP社区的其他成员就任何学生问题;
  • 收集有关资料;
  • Evaluate information and serve as a liaison to obtain community resources to address student issues;
  • Determine who will reach out to the individual of concern and ensure reach out occurred;
  • Ensure plan is developed with individual to obtain help; and
  • Be responsible for information feedback to Program Director and referring 教师.

BIT流程并不能取代教师的课堂管理, 纪律程序, 和/或对事件的公共安全反应. 


  • 建议不采取行动,等待进一步观察
  • 协助教职员工制定行动计划
  • 向个人推荐现有的校内支持PG电子APP
  • 向个人提供适当的社区PG电子APP
  • 提出符合学院政策和程序的建议

All information should be considered confidential and not shared outside of the BIT unless the BIT deems it necessary to gain additional pertinent information to determine level of risk. 



紧急 911
安全,内布拉斯加州 402.559.5911
校园顾问 402.552.2694
Arbor家庭咨询 1.800.922.7379(24小时热线)
妇女发展中心 402.345.6555
心脏地带家庭服务 402.553.3000

PG电子APP complies with Federal regulations in accordance with FERPA and the 联邦贸易委员会(FTC)根据格雷姆-里奇-比利利(GLB)法案的规定 保护所有学生档案.